- Healthcare, that understands you.
Healthcare in the US poses unique challenges, particularly for new immigrants. Language barriers create significant difficulties for older immigrant parents during doctor visits and appointments. Not only do they struggle to express themselves effectively in English, but they also encounter unfamiliar technical healthcare terminology. To overcome these challenges, a child or relative often serves as a translator. However, the complexity of multiple language translations can result in the loss of crucial information and details. MySeema aimed to address these issues by creating a brand that stands out in the healthcare industry while maintaining a strong connection to the cultural roots of the subcontinent in their visual communication.
As we delved into crafting the brand strategy alongside the MySeema team, we quickly recognized that our target audience extended beyond the immigrant parents themselves to their guardians—the caring children who oversee their well-being. In subcontinent households, where parental figures, trust, and community form integral parts of the culture, we centred our strategy on these fundamental elements. Drawing inspiration from the Jasmine flower, a symbol deeply rooted in the subcontinent's traditions, we infused our brand identity with cultural insights and vibrant illustrations. Our approach ensured that the brand would both stand out in the healthcare category and authentically connect with the values held dear by our target audience.